If you have any consultation or doubt about forest certification business,
Please call the hotline
Or inquire on the phone:
Mail box:
1.Preliminary Analysis:
-The enterprise collects the information required by FSC-CoC
-The enterprise fills out the contract application (link)
-KCB carries out data analysis
-KCB quotes price for the enterprise and prepares the contract
-Answering or clarifying all the existing questions
-Signing the contract
3.Conducting Audits:
-The KCB auditor evaluates the FSC system of the enterprise
-Confirmation of document procedure
-Meeting with the management layer of the company
-Staff meeting with the on-post staff
-Auditors create audit reports
-Correcting the company`s mismatch condition
-Making a certification decision
4. Issuing A Certificate
-Issuing a certificate to the enterprise
-Registering the certificate
5. Annual Supervision And Audit
-The KCB auditor conducts an annual review of the enterprise
-The enterprise provides information
-Making a certification decision
6. Re-certification
-Re-certifying every five years after the validity of the certificate
-Signing a new certification contract
-KCB conducts new audits
技术支持:北京网站建设 原创先锋